Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Southern Poverty Law Center IS a hate group.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a disingenuous, dishonest, deceitful, malicious organization. Ostensibly, it's a watchdog group that "monitors" and profiles racists and hate groups. (I thought profiling was reviled as the prerogative of racists...)

In reality, their purpose is to drag through the mud and tarnish the name of every remotely well-known libertarian that they can. The SPLC are, at heart, authoritarian social engineers. Peaceful, civil liberties-advocating groups like the Oath Keepers and We Are Change are classified by them as "hate groups" because they are genuine humanitarians. Such group steadfastly stand in opposition to oppression and human beings being subjected to brutality and murder at the hands of the establishment, whether it be illegal, unwarranted molestation and/or beatings at the hands of the police or the TSA, or children being the victim of drone strikes in unjust, aggressive acts of war.

You would think that a supposed liberal group would join the Liberty Movement in opposing such ugly acts of hate and oppression, but in truth, the SPLC doesn't care. They're communists preoccupied with denigrating, vilifying in the minds of the public, discrediting, and marginalizing libertarians. Not because they're racist or part of any group, as that is in no way the case, but because the SPLC disagrees with them politically and economically. And rather than fighting them with intellectual honesty and integrity, they fight as dirtily and dishonestly as possible. When you see Mark Potok pop up toward the end of a History Channel documentary on the Ku Klux Klan to assert with no proof that contemporary citizen militias are the Klan in a new, disguised form, you know that there's no low to which snakes like him and his cohorts won't sink to (and probably have).

In summation, the SPLC doesn't care about civil rights. They want the public to believe that libertarians are racist and that libertarian organizations are "hate groups". They don't care that they're wrong, and if they destroy the names of innocents. That, I know, is hate.


The headline and lead from Kurt Nimmo's article posted yesterday at InfoWars says it all:

Colorado Shooter "Opinionated Socialist" and "Keynesian"
"Don't expect Mark Potok to get on MSNBC and dissect the ideological background of the latest high school shooter."
Read full article.

...the question is, how long before the shooter's actual identity have fallen into an Orwellian memory hole, and MSNBC, CNN, and the rest of the establishment media will be pushing the "fact" that he was/is "a right-wing extremist"?

-- Ryan

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